Schedule of classes
Please refer to the schedule of classes to find out information such as course offerings, cross-listings, enrolment, and reserve capacities.
To view undergraduate course information, please refer to the Undergraduate Schedule of Classes.
To view graduate course information, please refer to the Graduate Schedule of Classes.
Note: Refer to Quest to find out specific information such as course time, instructor, building, and room location.
Course schedules available to instructors
Spring 2025 term: Quest and the schedule of classes updated February 21, 2025
Fall 2025 term: Quest and the schedule of classes updated June 27, 2025
For more information regarding scheduling matters, please visit undergraduate and graduate course scheduling.
Classroom access and technology support
Registrar's Office centrally-managed classrooms
Includes Expansion (EXP) 1689
Registrar's Office classrooms are not locked.Therefore, a key to access a room is not necessary.
Many classrooms have data projectors, podium computers, and other technologies installed. Instructional Technologies and Media Services (ITMS) provides support for these technologies.
Podium fobs will not be required to use the instructional technology in Registrar e-classrooms for Fall 2022 and beyond until further notice. We ask that you please remember to shut down the system from the touch screen when you have finished using the instructional technology. Further information is available in the IST Service Catalogue.
E-classrooms have iClicker cloud student response system software on the podium computers. To locate this click Window Start. For assistance with setting up iClicker on LEARN, please contact LEARN Help at
Further information about Registrar-managed classroom layouts is available on the Registrar Resources site.
Help and support
For further information, please refer to IST training information or contact the IST service desk. For urgent technical support, please call the ITMS Hotline at extension 33233 available between the hours of 8:00 am to 8:30 pm. There is a telephone located in the podium of every Registrar's e-classroom. For non-urgent technical support, please email
Faculty of Health's managed classrooms
A key or fob is required to access EXP, B.C. Matthews Hall (BMH), Lyle S. Hallman Institute North (LHN), and Lyle S. Hallman Institute South (LHS) controlled classrooms, laboratories, offices, and common spaces. Key permits will be authorized by your respective school/department. Please contact your school/department representative:
- School of Public Health Sciences - Carol West-Seebeck
- Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences - Jenny Davey
- Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies - Fiona McAlister
Information on Faculty of Health's managed classrooms and room booking procedures can be found under Faculty of Health policies, procedures, and guidelines. For non-course related room bookings, please contact Faculty of Health Reception at
Please contact the Health Computing Office a month before the start of term if you require specialized software to be available for use at podium computers or in the Faculty of Health Virtual Computing Lab.
Help and support
Please refer to computing labs and teaching/seminar rooms for further information on computer labs and using the equipment in EXP, BMH, LHN, and LHS classrooms. To receive an orientation to the classroom that you will be instructing in please contact the Health Computing Office.
Further information on technology, access, training, and other related services can be found on the Health Computing Office homepage. For further questions or concerns, please contact the Health Computing Office.
General information for instructors
- Please be aware and inform your students that desks, signage, etc. put in classrooms by AccessAbility Services in the Registrar's Office centrally-managed classrooms must not be touched, modified or removed.
- Please note that class times go to :20 or :50, never :00 or :30. The only exception are Friday evening midterm slots of 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., and 8:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.. The reason for the 10 minute gap between each booking is to allow time for students to gather their belongings, exit the room, and give time for the incoming students to situate themselves to prepare for their class/midterm/event.
- It is the instructor's responsibility to keep track of the overall class size to prevent over-enrolment. Please ensure that there is sufficient number of seats in the assigned classroom to accommodate the additional student(s).
- If furniture is re-arranged, it must be put back to the original arrangement at the end of class. All Registrar-managed classrooms have furniture layouts posted behind plexi-glass holders on walls near room entrances if in doubt on how tables/chairs should be rearranged. Adding extra chairs to the classrooms can be a safety hazard. If instructors are missing chairs from the rooms they are assigned, please report it to Faculty of Health scheduling at
- Please ensure that classrooms are in good condition before leaving. This includes turning off equipment, reconnecting equipment, cleaning the boards, etc.
- Please ensure that you lock BMH, EXP, LHN, and LHS controlled classrooms, laboratories, and meeting rooms when you are finished using them. Given that there is faculty-owned computer equipment in these rooms, it is important to keep them safe.