Strategic plan implementation: Priority A

Meaningful education

The Faculty will foster teaching and learning opportunities and relationships that inspire diverse learners to address complex health problems.

Not started.

Not started

In progress.

In progress



Tactic  Description Status
A-I Enhance experiential learning by conducting scans of current experiential courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels within the university and beyond, exploring collaborations with other areas and identifying and promoting training for faculty on how to incorporate experiential learning into their teaching and mentorship
In progress.
A-II Engage with WatSPEED to identify expertise and partnerships to create or adapt existing offerings for external professional development
In progress.
A-III Conduct survey or focus group to identify factors that help international students feel supported
Not started.
A-IV Increase availability of courses in each unit that are open to other disciplines or other faculties
In progress.
A-V Ensure the maximum number of nominations for teaching awards submitted at the academic unit, faculty, university, provincial and national levels
In progress.
A-VI Examine ways to recognize impactful innovative teaching on Annual Performance Reviews (APR)
In progress.
* Please note these tactics may be adjusted or revised as needed over the time frame of the strategic plan

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