weCONNECTu Mentee Application

The weCONNECTu mentorship program aims to provide mentorship to first-year students entering the Faculty of Health by pairing first-year students with an upper-year mentor, who will act as a resource to answer questions, connect their mentees with resources and services on campus, and offer social support throughout the first year at university. 

How does weCONNECTu work?

  1. First-year students and mentors will be matched in August 2023, based on their interests and preferences.
  2. Once matched, the mentor will be introduced via email. First-year students can maintain contact with their mentor throughout their first year.
  3. First-year students should consider what they hope to get out of mentorship, and share this with their mentor, in order to meet their needs/goals.
  4. The mentorship relationship will be confidential and professional.
  5. First-year students will be asked to fill out a feedback form at the end of each term about their experience with weCONNECTu.

weCONNECTu is open to new students in the Faculty of Health who are starting their first year in Fall 2023. Students can sign up for weCONNECTu at any time during their first year, but it is recommended that they connect with a mentor in their first term. 

If you're interested in connecting with a mentor, please fill out the application form below. If you have any questions about weCONNECTu, please contact the Student Relations Officer.  

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This will be your Watiam username with "@uwaterloo.ca" at the end.
I am in a...
There are various ways that you can customize your degree in Health to take courses that you are interested in. You do not need to declare a minor, option or specialization in first-year, however, you may learn more about what they are on our web page.