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The end (of Trellis) is upon us

Do you still use Trellis, our old or 'classic' catalogue?

When University of Waterloo Library moved its catalogue to Primo many years ago, our old catalogue - Trellis - stuck around. In December 2019, the Library will be moving to a new version of Primo. Learn more about Omni.

The great news: Omni will see 14 Ontario university libraries join forces to share one catalogue - vastly expanding the resources available to our users.

Library ambassadors: written by Maryam Shaker-Azab

Library ambassadors: written by Amatul Shafi

Picture this: It’s the beginning of the semester or mid-semester. You are sitting in one of your classes and the professor announces that they have put a necessary journal on ‘course reserve’ and that they want you to read it before the final. You then try to Google and it leads you to the course reserve web page, the main Library website or this blog (hopefully)! Well, you are not the only one clueless about this. Students often ask questions around course reserves during info sessions. So I will try my best to be direct and clear about the whole process.

Library ambassadors: written by Almyra Popat

Do you find yourself at the library and looking at a particular bookshelf with the sign “Waterloo Reads”? Do you find yourself wondering what it is? Well, Waterloo Reads are books with popular titles that are purchased and selected in collaboration with Words Worth Books in Waterloo.

Library ambassadors: written by Rachel Ross

When you think of a Library, what comes to your mind? Mainly books I’m assuming. Maybe they just serve as a location where you can find a quiet study space, but you haven’t ventured very far from the individual desk sections. This was also my reaction when I thought about libraries until I became a Library Ambassador.

Library ambassadors: written by Chelsea Davies-Kneis

Library ambassadors: written by Brittney Wong

Library ambassadors: written by Megan Thomas

Hi everyone! My name is Megan and I am in my 3rd year of Biomedical Science. As one of the Library Ambassadors for this term I will be discussing one of the many free and convenient services the library has to offer; Interlibrary Loans.

More changes coming to Davis Centre Library

carrel design

In consultation with designers and Plant Operations, the Library Renovation Team has reviewed a number of plans, designs, and furniture options for student spaces in Davis. This was made possible by funds given by the Office of the Provost to update student furniture in the Library.

Library ambassadors: written by Mary Lynne Bartlett

Hi Everyone! I'm Mary Lynne, the Library Ambassador lead. If you're thinking of applying to be a Library Ambassador for the winter term, and have questions about the job, I've got you covered. Below are the questions I get asked the most about the Library Ambassador program.

Here we go...
