
Senior Math Faculty Ambassador

Laura Song
Program: 2B, Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Extracurricular activities:
Refereeing intramurals, volunteering with the FEDS Food Bank.

Fun Fact: I've modelled for the Faculty of Mathematics brochures.

Why did you choose to study at Waterloo?

Waterloo has always been my dream school. As a math enthusiast, I was particularly excited about furthering my mathematical knowledge while studying in a faculty dedicated entirely to the subject. The career-focused atmosphere also appealed to me, as did the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in a world-renowned co-op program. Waterloo Mathematics offers the ideal combination of intense mathematical study and industry experience, and I could not be happier with my choice of university.

What is the best thing about being a math ambassador?

When I was in high school, I enjoyed visiting Waterloo's open houses and talking to Math Ambassadors. They had the answers to all of my questions and helped me choose the perfect program and courses. Now that I'm a Math Ambassador myself, I love being able to give back to this amazing community. The opportunity to assist the next generation of Mathies with the decisions that I once faced is extremely rewarding and one that I 
would recommend to everyone.

"Decide in your heart of hearts what really excites
and challenges you, and start moving your life in that direction. Every decision you make, from what you eat to what you do with your time tonight, turns you into who you are tomorrow, and the day after that. Look at who you want to be, and start sculpting yourself into that person."

- Chris Hadfield