Announcing with sadness the passing of Dr. Gina Sobara
It is with sadness that the School of Optometry and Vision Science announces the passing of Dr. Gina Sorbara on February 10, 2021. She was surrounded by her loving family.
Our Waterloo Optometry Clinic has moved to the nearby location of 419 Phillip St., Unit C, as of October 21, 2024. This location will be open until late 2026 while the Waterloo Eye Institute is under construction. Our downtown Kitchener location (Health Sciences Optometry Clinic) remains open with no change to service.
It is with sadness that the School of Optometry and Vision Science announces the passing of Dr. Gina Sorbara on February 10, 2021. She was surrounded by her loving family.
Dr. Nadine Furtado appeared on In Studio to talk about glaucoma symptoms and treatment during National Glaucoma Awareness Month.
The interview originally aired on Rogers TV.
Macular degeneration robbed Anne-Marie Brune of her sight. But because of a gift that she and her husband Heinz made to Waterloo, other people with the same condition may recover their vision.
The Brunes believed in the power of science to transform lives touched by disease, and they dedicated their entire estate to research that will “advance the human condition.” Their gift to Waterloo’s School of Optometry & Vision Science will further that goal by supporting research in eye and brain diseases that afflict thousands of people around the world.
Dr. Zay Khan appeared on In Studio to talk about the effects of screens on children’s vision. Dr. Kahn shared recommendations for the amount of screen time children should have each day, as well as tips on setting up a space for computer learning. The interview originally aired on Rogers TV.
To mark National Postdoc Appreciation Week (September 21 – 25), WOVS is pleased to recognize our postdoctoral fellows.
The American Academy of Optometry Foundation has named William Ngo, OD, PhD, FAAO as this year’s recipient of the Korb - Exford Dry Eye Career Development Grant.
Dr. Ngo is head of Biosciences at the Centre for Ocular Research and Education and a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Optometry & Vision Science.
People who suffer a concussion often experience visual disorders, such as double vision and difficulty focusing, as a result of their injury. However, very little is known about these often debilitating symptoms and how long they may last.
A group of researchers, including Dr. Kristine Dalton of the School of Optometry & Vision Science, is hoping to change that. The researchers recently received funding from the National Institute of Health (NIH) for a two-year study that may be the first step toward new treatments for concussion-related vision disorders.
Dr. Stanley Woo will serve a second term as Director of the School of Optometry & Vision Science after a strong majority of faculty and staff voted in favour of reappointment.
Macular degeneration is the leading causes of blindness in industrialized countries. Now, University of Waterloo researchers have found that a single session of non-invasive brain stimulation of the visual cortex can reduce the effects of the disease, a discovery that could eventually allow patients with macular degeneration to recover their vision.
Widespread use of face masks has been determined essential to combat COVID-19’s spread, yet is giving rise to a new phenomenon: increased reports of dry, uncomfortable eyes. Experts from the Centre for Ocular Research & Education (CORE) are advising eye care professionals (ECPs) on how to recognize mask-associated dry eye (MADE) and methods to mitigate the condition.