
Total sponsored research awards by source

This graph shows the dollar amount of sponsored research awards by source between 2003/04 to 2012/13. The total amount has increased annually to 2012/13.  Data for this figure are in the Data Table section.


Total sponsored research awards by source within each award year

Data Sources

Office of Research database (InfoEd)

Inclusions and Exclusions


  • Research awards granted by Federal Tri-Agency, Federal (excluding Tri-Agency), Provincial, Industry, and other (inter-university sub-awards, internal matching of institutional awards, foundations, private agencies, and other governmental bodies)
  • Includes awards to the federated and affiliated colleges and/or non-academic units
  • For multi-year awards, the budget allocated for the fiscal year is reported (not the entire award)


  • Any research awards not administered through the University of Waterloo Office of Research - the Federated University and Affiliated Colleges and non-academic units may choose administer their awards directly (but includes research funding that is held in Development)
  • Any research awards submitted by the Federated University and Affiliated Colleges that were not administered through the University of Waterloo Office of Research

  • Research Chairs set up in an operating fund (Schlegel RIA)

Data Table

Award Year Other Industry Provincial Federal (excluding Tri-Agency) Federal Tri-Agency
2003/04 $16.9M $13.3M $19.2M $26.2M $27.4M
2004/05 $15.7M $14.1M $19.6M $29.5M $30.9M
2005/06 $23.5M $14.4M $23.9M $28.3M $33.0M
2006/07 $19.4M $15.2M $18.4M $36.0M $38.6M
2007/08 $17.8M $14.4M $28.4M $29.3M $41.5M
2008/09 $30.3M $12.8M $25.5M $33.8M $41.7M
2009/10 $30.4M $18.6M $36.1M $42.1M $42.3M
2010/11 $40.8M $17.5M $41.0M $49.3M $41.8M
2011/12 $34.0M $24.0M $44.8M $47.8M $42.0M
2012/13 $35.2M $19.3M $48.6M $45.7M $45.4M