
Most recent data available: 2021/22
Update frequency: Annually
Next update: September 2025


Titles Held by Library as defined by ARL (Association of Research Libraries) as the total number of titles managed and maintained by the library. 

Duplicates of the same title are not included, unless it’s in different format, and then it is considered another title held.

A comparison of the U15 institutions. 

Data Sources

  • Data source for U15 titles held: Association of Research Libraries

Inclusions and Exclusions

Inclusions: print and electronic serials and monographs, other virtual serial volumes, e-books, government documents, microforms, computer files, manuscripts and archives, audiovisual materials, electronic theses and dissertations, special collection materials that have been catalogued and made ready for use, digitized content accessible under current copyright law, gifts, and all other catalogued, locally digitized, and licenses resources.

Exclusions: titles for which your library is not providing sustained stewardship and maintenance, HathiTrust, CRL, Internet Archive, etc. unless your library owns the digitized item and it is accessible under current copyright law, and uncatalogued items.


Prior to FY2019/20, we were reporting Volumes in Library.  In light of our growing electronic collection and resources, we have switched to reporting Titles Held by Library for a more accurate representation of our collection as a whole.

2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/2022 – no titles held reporting for the University of Montreal.

Data Table