
New international graduate students  - top 5 source countries (Fall 2012)

The figure shows the top source countries for international studies illustrated by varying sizes of circles. The top five countries are China, India, Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Data for this figure are in the Data Table section.


Top five source countries of new, first-year, international graduate students by country of citizenship in Fall 2012.

Data Sources

University Statistical Enrolment Report (USER) database for Country of Citizenship

Student Administration System (SA) as of final government count date for registration information including international status

Inclusions and Exclusions


  • Full-time and part-time, first-year, new graduate students (based on country of citizenship field from the University and Statistical Enrolment Reporting (USER) system)
  • Visa status of international
  • Students registered at the Federated University and Affiliated Colleges (FUAC)


  • Students with Canadian citizenship or Permanent Resident status

Data Table

Country of Citizenship % of International Graduate Students
China 43%
India 9%
Iran 7%
Pakistan 4%
Saudi Arabia 4%