
Most recent data available: 2023/24
Update frequency: Annually
Next update: June 2025


Total sponsored research awards by source by award year

Data Sources

Office of Research database (InfoEd)

Inclusions and Exclusions


  • Research awards granted by Federal Tri-Agency, Federal (excluding Tri-Agency), Provincial, Industry, Universities, Non-profits, and Public Sector.
  • Includes awards to the Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW) and/or non-academic units
  • For multi-year awards, the budget allocated for the fiscal year is reported (not the entire award)


  • Any research awards not administered through the University of Waterloo Office of Research - the Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW) and non-academic units may choose administer their awards directly (but includes research funding that is held in Development)
  • Any research awards submitted by the Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW) that were not administered through the University of Waterloo Office of Research

  • Research Chairs set up in an operating fund (Schlegel RIA)


2017/18: University Research Centres and Institutes now report to the Vice-President, Research; accordingly research awards previously attributed to these entities have been moved to the Office of Research (included under “Other”). Previous years have also been revised.

2018/19: Tri-agency has been reclassified into 3 categories, Tri-Agencies (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR), TIPS (Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat) and Tri-Agency Other. This has been necessary to accommodate the increasing number of Tri-Agency programs that are not funded directly from one of the three original agencies (i.e. NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR). A number of other minor changes have been made as part of this exercise to move sponsors to the correct category.

     •    UW – SSHRC has been moved from Tri-Agency to Tri-Agencies SSHRC
     •    CERC, CFREF, CRC and Research Support Fund (RSF) has been moved from Federal (excluding Tri-Agency) to Tri-Agency TIPS.
     •    NCE has been moved from Federal (excluding Tri-Agency) to Tri-Agency Other.    
     •    Canada 150 Chairs and New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) have been moved from Tri-Agency to Tri-Agency TIPS
     •    CanmetMATERIALS has been moved from Tri-Agency to Federal (excluding Tri-Agency)
     •    Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute has been moved from Federal (excluding Tri-Agency) to Provincial
     •    Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance has been moved from from Federal (excluding Tri-Agency) to Canadian Private Sector Industry
     •    Canadian Ornamental Horticultural Alliance has been moved from Federal (excluding Tri-Agency) to Canadian Non-Profit Industry.
     •    FedDev has been moved from Provincial to Federal (excluding Tri-Agency).

Previous years have also been revised.

2019/20: Sponsor type ‘Private Sector – Other’ has undergone a cleanup exercise. Previous years have also been revised. With this change you may notice shifts in funding from one sponsor type/grouping to another.

2022/23: Sponsor grouping ‘Other’ has undergone a cleanup exercise. Previous years have also been revised. With this change you may notice shifts in funding from one sponsor type/grouping to another.

  • Sponsor grouping ‘Other’ has been reclassified into 3 new categories: Universities, Non Profit, Public-Sector Other
  • Sponsor Types: Canadian, Foreign and US – Private Sector – Other, have moved from Sponsor Grouping Other to Industry
  • Various Sponsor has been renamed to Various Sponsor (CFI In-Kind) and moved to new Sponsor Type, Canadian – Private Sector – Industry – CFI In-kind
  • The Arthritis Society has moved from Canadian - Private Sector - Other to Canadian - Non Profit - Foundations/Charities
  • Mitacs Inc and Mitacs – Globalink has moved from Canadian - Non Profit – Other to Canadian - Gov and Public Sector – Other
  • SCIEX has moved from Canadian - Private Sector – Other to Canadian - Private Sector – Industry
  • Teagasc has moved from Foreign - Private Sector – Other to Foreign - Gov and Public Sector - Other

Data Table