
Most recent data available: 2023/24
Update frequency: Annually
Next update: March/April 2025


Top source countries/regions of new, first-year, undergraduate and graduate students by country/region of citizenship

Data Sources

University Statistical Enrolment Report (USER) database for Country/Region of Citizenship
Student Administration System (SA) as of final government count date for registration information including international status (fiscal year)

Inclusions and Exclusions


  • Full-time and part-time, new, first year (1A), registered undergraduates by country/region of citizenship (based on country/region of citizenship field from the University and Statistical Enrolment Reporting (USER) system))
  • Full-time and part-time new graduate students
  • Visa status of international
  • Students registered at the Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW)


  • Students with Canadian citizenship or Permanent Resident status


Fall 2015 - all years restated from fall term to fiscal year

In 2015/16 a change was made to the way undergraduate, non-degree students registered in the Bridge to Academic Success in English (BASE) program are counted.  As it affects the attendance categorization (full-time/part-time) you will see small shifts in the percentages.

Data Table