
Most recent data available: 2023/24
Update frequency: Annually
Next update: March/April 2025


The percent of full-time equivalent (FTE) undergraduate students by system of study (co-op and non-co-op)

Data Sources

Student Administration System (SA) as of final government count date

Inclusions and Exclusions


  • Co-op includes students on a work term and students scheduled for an official work term regardless of whether or not they have a co-op job as of count date
  • Non-co-op Engineering enrolment is reported in the co-op total; these are generally non-degree and qualifying students


  • Cross Registered students are excluded (e.g. Laurier)


In 2015/16 a change was made to the way undergraduate, non-degree students registered in the Bridge to Academic Success in English (BASE) program are counted. As it affects their attendance categorization (full-time/part-time) you may see small shifts in the FTE totals.

Data Table