
Library expenditures as a percentage of university operating expenditures 2011/12 - U15 comparison

This figure shows the the U15 institutions in order of how high a percentage library expenditures are of operating budgets. Waterloo is third last with 3.7% of operating expenditures for the library. Data for this figure are in the Data Table section.


Library expenditures from each of the U15 institutions as a percent of university operating expenditures as reported to the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) for 2011/12

Data Sources

Data Table

U15 Institution 2011/12
Manitoba 5.7%
McGill 5.7%
Laval 5.6%
Queen's 5.2%
Montreal 5.0%
Saskatchewan 4.9%
Alberta 4.8%
Toronto 4.7%
Calgary 4.3%
Dalhousie 4.1%
Ottawa 4.0%
Western 3.7%
Waterloo 3.7%
UBC 3.1%
McMaster 3.0%