
Most recent data available: Fall 2023
Update frequency: Annually
Next update: December 2024


Entering high school grade average for full-time first-year undergraduates

Data Sources

Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) application data

Registrar Office Registration Data

Inclusions and Exclusions


  • Full-time first-year (1A) undergraduates that apply to the University of Waterloo and subsequently register in the Fall term who had an entering average of at least 90% based on their final best six university preparation (U)/university and college preparation (M) level courses
  • Ontario Secondary School (OSS) direct admission (from Ontario high school) applicants and Non-OSS applicants (International, National, Post-secondary academic background, or away from their Ontario secondary school studies for one year or more)


  • Students who applied to a part-time program
  • Students registered in non-degree
  • Students registered in Winter or Spring Term


Fall 2017 - all years updated to include students who register and then defer to a subsequent fall term

Fall 2020 and Fall 2021 - the increases seen in these two years may be attributed to changes within secondary schools that impacted student assessment practices as a result of the pandemic (e.g. change to exam practices in 2020; temporary implementation of quadmesters; and other countries modifying learning platforms). Fall 2020 also had a disproportionately larger intake in programs that typically require higher entrance averages.  

Data Table