
Most recent data available: 2023/24
Update frequency: Annually
Next update: July 2025


History of operating revenue by source (Grants, Academic Fees, and Other Income)

Data Sources

Finance Office: University of Waterloo General Ledger

Inclusions and Exclusions


  • Grants include: operating government and non-government grants and contracts
  • Academic Fees include: grad and under-grad tuition, co-op fees, student services fee, work report marking
  • Other Income includes: Investment income on operating investments, unrestricted or non-receiptable donations, income from sales or services, non-credit fee income


  • Grants exclude: grants in other funds (research, trust and endowment)


  • Prior to 2015, academic fees were incorrectly noted to exclude non-credit fees.
  • In 2018, academic fees include work report marking and no longer include non-credit fee income

Data Table