School of Planning welcomes Jeremy Pittman

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The School of Planning is delighted to announce that Jeremy Pittman has joined our team as of September 1st, 2017, as a tenure track Assistant

Photo of Jeremy Pittman
Professor. Jeremy was most recently the Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow, and the holder of a National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center’s (SESYNC) Social Science Immersion Fellowship. His innovative research program centers on the governance and policy dimensions of environmental conservation and sustainability. Jeremy’s academic background includes degrees in Social and Ecological Sustainability, (Ph.D. University of Waterloo), and Geography (M.Sc. and B.Sc. University of Regina). His professional work has included climate science related employment provincially and federally. Currently, Jeremy’s work exploring culturally- and locally-appropriate ways to advance species at risk conservation on Canada’s last remaining grasslands, has led to his expert testimony before The Parliament of Canada’s Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. We are very fortunate that Jeremy will be sharing his drive, enthusiasm and passion for interdisciplinary research and teaching with the School of Planning and the University of Waterloo community.