Link-ing Students Together
f you’ve been in the halls of Renison over the last few months, you may have noticed a new lounge space in the location previously occupied by the Renison Registrar Office. This space, which had originally been slated for a student lounge before being used as an office, was ideal because of its central location and proximity to the student-run Moose Tracks Connection desk. The hallway is known as “The Link” because it links the area of Renison where Social Development Studies and the School of Social Work reside, to the Great Hall, Library, Chapel and classroom spaces. The Link Lounge, together with Moose Tracks, means that the Link is now largely student space, easily accessible and on the main level of Renison. We spoke with Ryan Connell, Assistant Director of Student Experience and Housing (SEAH) at Renison, about the new lounge.