Katherine - Science and Business

Science Ambassador
Katherine - Science and Business Ambassador

Program: Science and Business, Biochemistry Specialized

Year: 3

Stream of study: Co-op

Pronouns: She/Her

Career goal: Not completely sure what job yet! But I have my mind set on working in health field with business incorporated.

How I get involved: 1. science and business ambassador team (SBAT). I am operations lead.
2. UW-Supporting Make-A-Wish. I am research coordinator for the team.
3. UW cancer foundation. I am sponsorship coordinator.

Why I love my program

The SCIBUS program offers a unique and dynamic learning experience that integrates both analytical thinking and entrepreneurial spirit, creating a well-rounded education. In addition, I love how this program is on the smaller side, as it provides opportunities to work closely and reach out for support from peers and professors.

Why University of Waterloo?

I chose the University of Waterloo for a number of reasons! The biggest reason was the SCIBUS program. A unique program like this is offered nowhere else!
Some other reasons I loved about it was the campus (we have such a pretty one!), how close it is from home, and coop!