Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited Football Excellence Awards

Award type: 
Athletic awards
Varsity athlete
Award description: 

Two or more awards, valued at up to $4,500, are given to members of the varsity football team, with preference given to student-athletes enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering or the Faculty of Environment. These awards recognize strong athletic talent and contribution to Athletics and Recreation, their respective team and community. This fund is supported by Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited and UW alumni Jim Mallett, Gene Chartier, and Stew Elkins.

Value description: 

up to $4,500

Year One, Year Two, Year Three, Year Four
Engineering→Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Management Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Nanotechnology Engineering, Systems Design Engineering; Environment→Climate and Environmental Change, Environment and Business, Environment, Resources and Sustainability, Geography and Environmental Mgmt, Geography and Aviation, Geomatics, International Development, Knowledge Integration, Planning
Canadian citizen/permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Students considered automatically - no application.
  • Student Awards & Financial Aid
    • The Centre, Needles Hall