James D. Leslie Prize

Award type: 
Award description: 

The James D. Leslie Prize is awarded to a student who has achieved a first-class standing and who has earned at least half of the credits for the undergraduate degree through online courses at the University of Waterloo. Graduates from both Spring and Fall convocation ceremonies are candidates for the Prize, which is awarded at Fall convocation. Recipients receive a certificate and a financial award. The Prize is named for James D. Leslie, a professor of Physics at the University of Waterloo, who conceived and initiated the “Online” program (formerly referred to as Correspondence or Distance Education).

Value description: 
  • financial award of up to $1,000
  • certificate
Year Four
Open to any program
Canadian citizen/permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Students considered automatically - no application.
  • Student Awards & Financial Aid
    • safainfo@uwaterloo.ca
    • The Centre, Needles Hall