International student supports and programs for winter 2024

Friday, January 12, 2024

Living in Canada as an international student can be both thrilling and challenging due to the new surroundings and culture. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help students succeed. 

Breakfast Seminars are getting a refresh 

The Breakfast Seminar program has been revamped to better meet the needs of both undergraduate and graduate students. The revamped program launches this winter as “On the Menu” for graduate students. The first session hosted on January 25 focuses on research writing support, featuring guest speakers from the Writing and Communication Centre and the Library.  

International Peer Community (IPC) 

The International Peer Community (IPC) is a great way for international students to connect with other students from around the world and build their network. The first event of the winter term, Meet and Greet, runs on January 17, 2024. 

Supporting international students 

Cyntia Brătan, International Student Supports Specialist (ISSS), is a great resource for international students who need additional support. She provides direct individualized support to students and staff who are supporting students. Cyntia is aware of and supports access to resources available for international students experiencing crisis and/or extenuating circumstances.  

Immigration consulting sessions and resources 

Understanding immigration policies can be difficult as there's a lot of varying information. The immigration consultants run timely information sessions throughout the term to help students wrap their heads around such complex immigration topics. If there are more questions, students can book appointments with the immigration consultants, who are always happy to support! 

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