This website is a resource for employees navigating the curricular processes at the University of Waterloo, including the new Kuali Curriculum Management (CM) system.
On this site, you will find:
- guides on how to use Kuali CM
- information about types of proposals at the University of Waterloo and considerations before proceeding with submissions
- governance information
- undergraduate-specific processes and details including important dates
- links to graduate-specific processes
Known issues
- May 8/24 - Printing proposals to PDF in Chrome or Edge adds page breaks unnecessarily; this action can be done in Firefox and Safari without any issue.
- June 4/24 - Changes to the Status field are not recorded in the Audit Log.
- June 12/24 - Some changes to requisite fields (e.g., Level 3A to 2A) are not showing the proper track changes in a proposal. The Changes list and Audit Log do show the changes.
- Dec 3/24 - Adding a new plan still Under Review to the List of Invalid Combinations displays as "undefined". The interim work around is to mention the invalid credential creation in the other proposal form boxes and once the new plan is approved, the RO will populate that field for it to display correctly.
Notice board
- No maintenance issues to report at this time.
Tips for Jira support portal requests
How to create and manage your Kuali CM-related support requests. Open to learn more.
Tip of the month: How do I know when I can use the Duplicate feature?
You can use the Duplicate feature to quickly create new proposals in specific scenarios. Open to learn more about when you can – and when you cannot – use this feature. And if you are an approver, learn how to spot if a proposal has been duplicated!
Tip of the month: How to locate draft proposals
Searching for a particular draft proposal? Open to learn more.
Update: New location for Kuali CM "How to create a proposal" content
The "How to create a proposal" page content has moved into four separate pages.
Update: Agendas are now visible to all Kuali proposers
A change has been made to agenda visibility.
Fall term brings update of record status/ribbon colour in CM
Start of fall 2024 term brings a term status update to records in Curriculum Management.
Kuali CM proposer training session
Interested in attending this session? First, contact your designated faculty/affiliated institution representative to request access.
Once your access request is submitted, sign up online for this session.
Kuali CM proposer training session
Interested in attending this session? First, contact your designated faculty/affiliated institution representative to request access.
Once your access request is submitted, sign up online for this session.
Kuali CM proposer training session
Interested in attending this session? First, contact your designated faculty/affiliated institution representative to request access.
Once your access request is submitted, sign up online for this session.