Eleven graduate degrees in Applied Mathematics were awarded at the 2016 spring convocation.
Spring 2016 AM Graduates (L-R): Alexander Ashbourne, Anton Baglaenko, Manda Winlaw, Wilten Nicola, Herbert Tang, Sandhya Harnanan
Alexander Ashbourne ("Efficient Runge-Kutta Based Local Time-Stepping Methods”)
Sandhya Harnanan ("Internal Wave Interaction with Broad Topography in the Presence of a Near-Bottom Stratification")
Zhanlue Liang (Research paper: "System and Network Synchronization")
Jason Pye ("Localising Information in Bandlimited Quantum Field Theory”)
Tian Qiao ("Design of Tubular Network Systems Using Circle Packing and Discrete Optimization”)
Sumit Sijher ("Topological Quantum Computation and Protected Gates”)
Anton Baglaenko ("The Effects of Confinement on Kelvin-Helmholtz Billows”)
Wilten Nicola ("Bifurcation Analysis of Large Networks of Neurons”)
Taghreed Sugati ("On Stability and Stabilization of Hybrid Systems”)
Herbert Tang ("The Effects of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Noise on a Tumour and a Proposed Metastasis Model”)
Manda Winlaw ("Algorithms and Models for Tensors and Networks with Applications in Data Science”)