
Corey Van de Waal is a continuing lecturer in the Department of Economics. After developing and teaching ECON 254: The Economics of Sport for the past eight years, he's ventured in the publishing world with the release of Economics and the Sports Industry. It is available through Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Here is a short Q & A with Corey about the book.

Can you provide a bit of background about yourself and the areas of economics you focus on?

The Arts Young Alumni Award recognizes alumni who have made outstanding contributions in their professional field, in the community, and in public service within 10 years of graduation. This year, the recipient of this award is Mandy Tao, a graduate of the UW Economics program (2011).

This Arts Young Alumni Award is another proud achievement Mandy can add to her already impressive resume. Currently serving as the Director of Strategy at Merck, Mandy has also been busy co-founding "Education Togo Switzerland", learning new languages and climbing volcanoes.