
Economics advisors actively monitor and respond to emails sent to during regular business hours (Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm except statutory holidays)

Please use your @uwaterloo email account and include your 8-digit student ID number. Please refrain from sending multiple emails on the same subject or from using our personal email addresses, as it will delay our response to you. If your question needs to be addressed by a different person, we will forward or refer accordingly.

Please make sure you have your Watcard during your visit. We do not conduct advising over the phone due to confidentiality policies.

Be sure to check out our resources below for potential answers to your questions. 

Virtual Advising

1. If you are outside Canada, please connect to the University's VPN service

2. Join the queue and indicate your main concern or question. You will see your position in the queue and information about which advisor is assisting the queue.

3. Open Microsoft Teams on your device to accept the call!

Day Monday Friday (28th February,2024)
Morning 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Afternoon 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

In-Person Advising

Drop in to our office during any of the following hours. Please email us if you would like to meet in-person but would prefer a different building. We can arrange an appointment time and alternate location to meet


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Time 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Staff Pierre Chaussé - HH 101 Priya Vyas - HH 213

Priya Vyas - HH 213

Pierre Chaussé - HH 101

Priya Vyas - HH 213 Pierre Chaussé - HH 101

Zoe Cleeves

Undergraduate Coordinator and Advisor
Office: HH 214

Advisor for: Economics major, Mathematical Economics major, Economics minor, Economic Theory minor

Contact for: academic advising questions, co-op sequence changes, degree audits, course scheduling, calendar changes

Priya Vyas

Undergraduate Coordinator and Advisor
Office: HH 213

Advisor for: Economics major, Mathematical Economics major, Economics minor, Economic Theory minor

Contact for: academic advising questions, co-op sequence changes, degree audits, course scheduling, calendar changes

What is an Academic Advisor?

Academic Advisors are staff and faculty members who are knowledgeable, approachable, and available to support students in achieving their personally defined academic goals. We motivate, encourage and support our students by empowering them to take responsibility for their academic journey.

We provide our students with curricular advice, guidance in exploring options, a place to communicate questions and concerns, and the opportunity to receive referrals that are unique to you and fit your individual needs. We are experienced in interacting with diverse student populations and provide a safe and welcoming environment where any student can feel comfortable sharing their concerns and difficulties.

Why should you talk to an Academic Advisor?

  • Ask questions about which courses to take, what is required for your degree (including co-op requirements), university policies, procedures, and possible exceptions.
  • Discuss your options and understand what choices are available for your academic decisions.
  • Discover resources if you are struggling academically.
  • Get support in balancing academics with other opportunities (such as international exchange) or personal difficulties and extenuating circumstances.
  • Seek an ally who seeks to understand your case, who is also knowledgable of the policies of the university.
  • Reach out for support if unsure where to start.

It's important to note that:

  • We know most about Economics programs; we cannot provide advice about other majors or minors, but we can refer you to the appropriate contact.
  • We respect your privacy. We don’t share your information with other students or parents without your express permission. However, at times, for academic support and mental health reasons, we will consult with other advising members or university supports for assistance.
  • We are not immigration experts, so we cannot provide advice on immigration issues. We have great Immigration Consultants that can help you with advice about your study permit or other immigration concerns.
  • We are not counsellors, though we will help you find counselling support. Campus Wellness offers several services for students, and Athletics and Recreation has something for everyone on campus to get active.

Make the most of academic advising

  • Prepare your questions before contacting or meeting with an Academic Advisor and know what you want to accomplish.
  • Use the Undergraduate Calendar and our website to understand your academic requirements
  • Be open and honest so your advisor can effectively support you
  • Take notes and ask questions to clarify your understanding
  • Accept ultimate responsibility for your success at Waterloo, but reach out when you have concerns about your academics or if you're struggling
  • Check in at least once per year to ensure you are meeting your academic requirements as expected


Suggested Course Sequence for Honours Economics

Students majoring in Economics are encouraged to plan to meet their course requirements in the order illustrated in the table below. Find details about each of the prerequisites for each course on the Undergraduate Calendar. Students majoring in Mathematical Economics are encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor for assistance in planning their course sequence.

1st year ECON 101 ECON 102  
2A ECON 211 ECON 221  
4A ECON 406/7/8/9 ECON 4XX  
4B ECON 4XX    

Course overrides

Please follow the department's course override policy

Plan modification and sequence change forms

You can email your signed form(s) to Forms can take approximately 2-3 weeks to be processed through all academic departments and the Registrar's Office. Forms may take longer if we are waiting for end of term grades to be posted.

Deferred exams 

To request a deferred exam in an Economics course, please review the deferred final exam policy.

Transfer credits

If you are looking to take an Economics course at another institution, including for exchange, and wish to receive credit towards your Economics major or minor, email the course outline and letter of permission with section 1 completed to for assessment. If you are looking to take a course at Wilfrid Laurier University, complete a cross-registration form and follow the instructions on the form.

We do not routinely approve substitutions for required major courses. The following core courses will not be awarded as a transfer credit if taken at another institution: ECON 290, 306, 391, 392, 393, 406, 407, 408, and 409.

2+2 Economics students

Contact Professor Pierre Chaussé, the 2+2 Economics Academic Advisor.

Note: While advisors can answer general questions over the phone, please note that specific academic advising over the telephone is prohibited due to confidentiality policies. If you have specific questions, please email an advisor or visit during office hours as noted above.

International Exchange

If you are interested in an international exchange experience, learn more on the Arts International Exchange page. Note the following applies to Economics students going on international exchange:

  • Economics students cannot take the following required core courses on exchange: ECON 290, 306, 391, 392, 393, 406, 407, 408, and 409. All other courses for ECON transfer credits require assessment by the Associate Chair, Undergraduate.
  • The residency requirement states that students are required to take at least 50% (half) of the required courses for a degree and any plan (major, minor, specialization, option) at the University of Waterloo.
  • Exchange course approval is valid for the requested term only. A new request for exchange course approval must be submitted for each term.

Looking for a form?

Check out the Undergraduate student forms page for plan modification, sequence change, intent to graduate forms and more.

Understanding your academic standing

Not sure what your academic standing means? Review the Arts academic standing guide for more information on what your standing means. Contact us if you have any questions about your academic standing.

Additional Resources