Andreas A. Andrikopoulos
Retired: 1991
Areas of specialization: Applied microeconometrics; Urban and regional economics
Karl M.H. Bennett
BA; MA (Queen's); PhD (McGill)
Retired: 2002
Areas of specialization: Economic development (trade policy); Economic development (finance)
Richard W. Bodell
BSc, Dip Ed (Sydney); MA, PhD (York)
Retired: 2007
Areas of specialization: Natural resource economics; Cost-benefit analysis
James A. Brox
BA (Toronto); MA, PhD(McMaster)
Retired: 2009
Areas of specialization: Forecasting; Applied econometrics
John Burbidge
BA Mathematics & Economics (McGill); PhD (McGill)
Retired: 2021
Areas of specialization: Public finance
Emanuel Carvalho
CV: Emanuel Carvalho
Retired: 2022
BA, MA (Waterloo); PhD Urban and Regional Planning (Waterloo)
Areas of Specialization: Regional and community economic development
Leonard Fletcher
Retired: 1994
Sukesh Ghosh
Retired: 1996
Michael C. Howard
BA, MA (Lancaster); PhD (Leicester)
Retired: 1997
Areas of specialization: Economic theory; Economic thought; Economic systems
Margaret Insley
Office: HH 128
CV: Margaret Insley, Personal website, Google Scholar Profile
BA (Calgary); MA (Alberta); PhD (Guelph)
Areas of specialization: Natural resource and environmental economics; Investment under uncertainty -- real options
Stanley W. Kardasz
BA (Loyola); PhD (Queen's)
Retired: 2005
Areas of specialization: Industrial organization - determinants of domestic and import prices in Canadian manufacturing
Robert R. Kerton
BComm (Toronto); MA (Carleton); PhD (Duke)
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Retired: 2008
Areas of specialization: Consumer economics; International consumer policy; Microeconomics of regulation; Public policy
Ramesh C. Kumar
BStat, MStat (Indian Statistical Institute); MA, PhD (Toronto)
Retired: 2010
Areas of specialization: Comparative economic growth; Resource and environment economics
Eva Lau
Retired: 2014
Areas of specialization: Microeconomics and macroeconomics; Cost benefit analysis; Economics of education; Personal finance and economics
Geoff Malleck
Retired: 2024
Executive MBA (Queen's)
Areas of specialization: Marketing; Consumer economics; Entrepreneurship
James Melvin
Retired: 2000
Fadle M. Naqib
BSc (Washington); MSc (Oregon); PhD (Queen's)
Retired: 2003
Areas of specialization: Mathematical economics; Economics of the Middle East
W. Robert Needham
Personal home page
Retired: 2007
Trien Nguyen (retired)
Retired: 2024
BSc; ChE (California, Berkeley); MA (Simon Fraser); MA; PhD (Western Ontario)
Areas of specialization: Public policy; Economics of taxation; Computational economics; Asian economies; Teaching and learning
James Redekop
BSc (Victoria); MA, PhD (Toronto); PhD (Waterloo)
Retired: 2011
Areas of specialization: Financial economics; Econometrics; Social choice and welfare; Mathematical economics
Pat Shaw (Retired)
Maureen Stafford (retired)
Retired: 2023
Kenneth Stollery
BA (Southern California); MA, PhD (Queen's)
Professor of Economics at the University of Waterloo: 1974 - 2005
Ken Stollery passed away in 2005. He was a highly regarded faculty member in the Department of Economics for more than 30 years, serving as Associate Chair for both undergraduate and graduate studies.
Areas of specialization: Natural resources; Environmental economics
Mary Ann Vaughan
CV: Mary Ann Vaughan
BA (McMaster); MA (Waterloo)
Retired: 2019
Areas of specialization: Macroeconomics; Monetary policy
David Wilton
BComm (McMaster); PhD (MIT)
Retired: 2007
Areas of specialization: Labour economics; Economics of tourism; Macroeconomics