Former Faculty and Staff

Karl M.H. Bennett

Professor Emeritus

BA; MA (Queen's); PhD (McGill)

Retired: 2002
Areas of specializationEconomic development (trade policy); Economic development (finance)

Richard W. Bodell

Associate Professor Emeritus

BSc, Dip Ed (Sydney); MA, PhD (York)

Retired: 2007
Areas of specializationNatural resource economics; Cost-benefit analysis

James A. Brox

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

BA (Toronto); MA, PhD(McMaster)

Retired: 2009
Areas of specializationForecasting; Applied econometrics

Eva Lau

Continuing Lecturer

Retired: 2014

Areas of specialization: Microeconomics and macroeconomics; Cost benefit analysis; Economics of education; Personal finance and economics

Geoff Malleck

Continuing Lecturer

Retired: 2024

Executive MBA (Queen's)

Areas of specialization: Marketing; Consumer economics; Entrepreneurship

Fadle M. Naqib

Professor Emeritus

BSc (Washington); MSc (Oregon); PhD (Queen's)

Retired: 2003
Areas of specializationMathematical economics; Economics of the Middle East

James Redekop

Assistant Professor

BSc (Victoria); MA, PhD (Toronto); PhD (Waterloo)

Retired: 2011
Areas of specializationFinancial economics; Econometrics; Social choice and welfare; Mathematical economics

Kenneth Stollery

Professor Emeritus

BA (Southern California); MA, PhD (Queen's)

Professor of Economics at the University of Waterloo: 1974 - 2005

Ken Stollery passed away in 2005. He was a highly regarded faculty member in the Department of Economics for more than 30 years, serving as Associate Chair for both undergraduate and graduate studies.

Areas of specializationNatural resources; Environmental economics

David Wilton

Professor Emeritus

BComm (McMaster); PhD (MIT)

Retired: 2007
Areas of specializationLabour economics; Economics of tourism; Macroeconomics