Lives vs lives – the global cost of lockdown. Professor Mikko Packalen discusses.
Professor Mikko Packalen and Stanford professor Jayanta Bhattacharya dicuss how policies that depress the world economy put millions at risk in The Spectator.
Professor Mikko Packalen and Stanford professor Jayanta Bhattacharya dicuss how policies that depress the world economy put millions at risk in The Spectator.
Statistics Canada released the numbers from the Labour Force Survey and there were some surprising results. Mikal Skuterud, along with colleagues from Laurier and UBC examined the data. Find the full article with results and graphs at the CD Howe Institute.
John Baker, an Economics PhD student, was the recipient of one of the grants from the Bank of Canada for their PIVOT program. John usedsearch-query data to process the impact of policy measures on household spending in real-time. J-P Lam helped supervise some of his work.
Ramsha Jaweed, Econ MA student, wins second prize in the Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) Policy Challenge Competition. Competitors came from UBC, Calgary, Western, McMaster, Toronto, and Laval. The competition is an opportunity for students to use their research results to inform real-world Canadian policy-making and propose innovative policy solutions.
Congratulations to our PhD student team of Andres Arcila Vasquez, Iuliia Nesterova, John Baker, and Zehua Pan (pictured below), who received third place in the inaugaral Datafest organized by Professor Anindya Sen, Director of the Master of Public Service program on Friday, March 4, 2019. Economics had two MA teams as well - Team 1 - Hongcan Zhang, Keyi Zhang, Sophie Yin, Haochang Li, and Team 2 - Siwei Shen, Wenzuo Xu, Tong Zhou, Yongyun Zhou.
We are happy to announce that an economics team, composed by MA students Ramsha Jaweed and David Kim, has been selected to participate in the National Policy Challenge organized by CRDCN (the research data centre network created by the government to facilitate access to confidential government data). The teams submitted a proposal to analyze aapolicy problem of their own choosing with confidential microdata.
Professor Mikal Skuterud and PhD student Zong Jia Chen studied the labour market performance of former international students with their Canadian counterparts. Check out the report titled, "Comparing Outcomes: The Relative Job-Market Performance of Former International Students".
University of Waterloo labour economics professor Mikal Skuterud critiques the 2011 national household survey in an interview with CTV News Channel and CTV Kitchener.