Sign up to be an MME Undergraduate Wellness Representative!
The goal of the Wellness Rep initiative is to help monitor and enhance the well-being of Mechanical and Mechatronics Undergraduate Engineering students in an organic, peer-supported manner. This is done by championing wellness initiatives and events, promoting wellness strategies to support individual and community well-being, facilitating presentations and workshops, serving on committees and representing MME Wellness, and more! More details regarding the role of a wellness rep, is listed below!
- MME UG Wellness Representative Application – Elections for these roles will take place during your Class Rep elections process. Watch your emails for updates!
Contact Information for Questions/Concerns
Please send any questions, concerns, or inquiries to Sam Vandekerckhove (Sam, MME Wellness Coordinator). We will be in touch with you as soon as we are available!
Thanks again for your interest in becoming a Wellness Rep in the MME department at the University of Waterloo!