Career workshops
FAUW offers a series of workshops to help you through key transitions in your academic career. We encourage you to attend, regardless of where you are on your career track—it’s never too early or too late!
The slides from previous sessions are available to download on this page. We also have information about many of these transitions in our Faculty Guide.
Don't miss this Centre for Teaching Excellence workshop that complements this series!
For definite-term faculty
Definite-term contracts
Continuing appointments
- This is covered briefly in the definite-term contracts session. There is little consistent information across campus about the process for getting continuing status, but many departments roughly follow the tenure process and you are welcome to attend the Applying for tenure workshop. The provost’s office has a Checklist for Continuing Lecturer Appointments (docx file) that departments must follow, and the Faculty of Math has more detailed procedures.
For probationary (tenure-track) faculty
The probationary contract period and applying for tenure can be intimidating. These workshops provide critical information on how to succeed and to ensure you know where and how to get your questions answered. They also clarify the expectations of your peers and of University policy during this process.
Navigating your first probationary term
- Download the slides from the 2023 'Navigating your first probationary term' workshop (PDF)
- Download the Preparing for Reappointment checklist (PDF)
Applying for tenure
For tenured/continuing faculty
Mid-career years
This workshop helps recently tenured/continuing faculty plan the next stages of your career. Workshop materials are available in this SharePoint folder, along with some background reading.
- We've created blog posts with eight key lessons our presenters shared during our 2017 workshop, and 12 questions to help you thrive in your mid-career years, based on our 2020 workshop.
Also see articles by Kerry Ann Rockquemore on Inside Higher Ed from August and September 2017, Tim Kenyon's 2020 article in University Affairs, and the Coping with Midcareer Malaise series on The Chronicle—access the site via the library for premium articles.
Promotion to full professor
This workshop will walk you through the promotion process step by step and provide explanations of formal policy as well as practical tips to help you succeed.