Do you…
- want to learn more about how FAUW and the University work without a long-term commitment like a term on the Board?
- like figuring out new procedures and policies?
- want to help increase transparency within FAUW and shape how members are appointed to University Committees?
- enjoy getting to know your colleagues?
If any of that sounds like you, you might be a good fit for the FAUW Nominating Committee!
What is a nominating committee?
We are expanding the mandate of what is currently the Elections Committee so that it also finds FAUW members to serve on University and joint committees (this is currently done by the Board of Directors on a more ad hoc basis). The aims of this change are to add transparency and accountability to our committee appointments, and to ensure we’re reaching members with the appropriate expertise, skills, and/or interest for all committee roles.
This committee will also continue to oversee election procedures and solicit nominations for Board and Presidential elections.
What’s involved?
We are looking for members to join and help draft terms of reference for this combined elections and nominating committee, and carry out those terms of reference for the 2021–22 year. We have model terms of reference to use as a starting point.This will entail weekly or biweekly meetings (plus some work in between) in November (and possibly December) to work on the terms of reference for the committee, and then infrequent meetings after that as vacancies need filling. The first role to fill will be a parliamentarian for the Board of Directors. Election work takes place mostly in February and March and largely involves reaching out to members to solicit nominations. (This may change based on the new terms of reference.)
If you are interested in joining, please contact Laura McDonald. The following information is helpful, but not required:
- Why you want to join and any ideas you have for the committee.
- Any experience you feel is relevant to this role.