FAUW has received several concerns from members about the Changes to Parking Services and fees announced March 20. We are also monitoring the response to this announcement on social media.
We want to thank our members for their overwhelming engagement on this topic and for bringing these concerns to the FAUW Board and staff.
FAUW’s current representative on the Sustainable Transportation Committee (formerly Parking Advisory Committee), was appointed in November 2023. At that time, the plan was presented as complete, having already been approved by Dean’s Council on November 29, 2023, and presented to the Council of Academic Leaders on December 14, 2023. The plan was presented at the Faculty Relations Committee, for information, on March 19, 2024.
The current FAUW Board of Directors is not aware of any other opportunities for consultation with constituency groups. FAUW is looking into this process further, along with member concerns about these changes. We hope to have more to report by our Spring General Meeting on April 9.