The OCUFA Status of Women Committee presents "Increasing Your Persuasiveness: An Interactive Workshop for Women" on Friday, April 29 in Toronto.
About the workshop
The ability to convince other people – to approve your idea, follow your leadership, implement your plan – has an enormous impact on your success. This interactive workshop, led by Shari Graydon – founder and catalyst of Informed Opinions – offers research-proven approaches, instructive case studies and hands-on practice in applying the tools to your own persuasive challenges.
Of interest to academic women in a wide range of fields, this workshop will equip participants with a range of skills – using a 5-minute strategic planning tool in advance of high stakes communications, identifying effective persuasion principles, and increasing impact by combining emotional and rational appeals.
$75 for tenured/tenure stream faculty association members;
$25 for contract faculty association members.