Su-Yin Tan and Kate Lawson, the FAUW appointees to the P76/77 drafting committee, have issued a report to the membership on the FAUW blog. Below is an excerpt from that report; you can read the rest at FAUW strongly believes that our lecturer members deserve a better outcome and the Board is making every effort to find a more effective way forward.
We are very disappointed to report that the latest effort to improve terms and conditions of employment for Definite Term and Continuing Lecturers has failed.
We began the process believing that Lecturers at Waterloo deserve working conditions near or equal to those of teaching stream colleagues at other large non-certified Ontario universities (University of Toronto and McMaster University). UWaterloo is in very good financial shape and UW’s Lecturers are just as qualified as Toronto’s “teaching-stream professors” and McMaster’s “teaching-track professors.”
We entered into the PDC process having studied relevant policies at these “comparator institutions,” willing to prioritize our goals, and prepared for good faith and collegial discussions with the representatives of the administration. We are thus very disheartened that no agreement on any revised policies was reached.
Read the rest of the blog post. You can leave feedback in the comments there, or use the P76/77 feedback form.