—A message from Dan Brown, FAUW Treasurer
FAUW is proposing to change the way we calculate dues. Currently, each faculty member represented by FAUW pays 0.525% of the average base salary for faculty members at their rank. Under the proposed flat percentage system, each faculty member would pay 0.525% of their own base salary. This proposal was passed unanimously by the Board of Directors in June 2018 and will be voted on by FAUW members in October 2018.
Why we want to change things
Right now, as tenure-track/tenured faculty are promoted, their dues increase in recognition of their higher salaries, but salaries also vary within ranks (particularly for lecturers, who have the same rank throughout their careers), and yet all faculty at the same rank pay the same dues.
At our 2018 spring general meeting, a member suggested that this method is unfair because it means that less well-paid faculty subsidize their more well-paid colleagues. We agree.
Standard deviations in base salaries at most ranks are around 10%, but closer to 20% for lecturers because the length of time they’ve been here varies more. The effective dues rate for lecturers ranges between 0.4% and 0.65%, with higher rates for more precariously employed colleagues.
There is also the perverse disincentive to going up for promotion to full professor since FAUW dues go up (by $14.20/month, currently), with no accompanying increase in salary.
If we move to a flat percentage rate, then each member’s dues will be based on their salary alone rather than the salaries of everyone else at their rank.
Voting on this change
Voting on this change will take place October 15–19. This will give the University enough time to implement the change for January 1, 2019. Voting members will receive a link to the online ballot by email the morning of October 15. You will also be asked to vote on a change to section 13.5.11 of the Memorandum of Agreement at the same time.
More information
Please read the following sections for more information. If you had additional questions, your Council member can ask them at the Council of Representatives meeting on October 17, or you can contact a Board member.