The FAUW elections committee solicited nominations for FAUW president from October 17 to November 13, 2019. The committee received only one nomination during this period, so FAUW is pleased to announce that Dan Brown will be the next FAUW president, starting July 1, 2020. Congratulations Dan!
If you have questions about the election process, please contact a member of the Elections Committee.
A message from the president-elect
Over the past several years, I’ve learned how much FAUW serves the Waterloo community. In advocating for our salaries and benefits, working to ensure fair employment conditions, and helping found an equitable and ethical campus community, FAUW’s staff, board, committee members and representatives, and volunteers are the basis of so much that is good about Waterloo.
We are at a particularly challenging moment. The provincial government slashed tuition, and threatens to force us to accept pay raises below the rate of inflation, and tries to re-enact forced retirement. We need Waterloo, and FAUW in particular, to advocate for academic freedom, collegial governance, and institutional independence. We also need all parts of campus to thrive amidst the chaos; we can’t weather the storm by worsening conditions for vulnerable faculty or Faculties.
My administrative background includes both extensive service in my unit (as Acting Director for six months, Associate Director for two years, and Undergrad Director for over four years), as FAUW Treasurer since 2016, and as a member of FAUW’s Status of Women and Equity Committee (now the Equity Committee) from 2010 to 2014. I served on Senate for six years, and was Waterloo’s academic colleague to the Council of Ontario Universities at the end of my Senate term. Because of my administrative service, I understand many of the motivations of administrators, while still having an eye for FAUW’s priorities and chief values.
I look forward to bringing my experience and passion while serving as FAUW president.
—Dan Brown