We're holding a Town Hall Meeting (on Microsoft Teams) to hear what challenges our members are facing as fall term gets underway, and to gather suggestions for our upcoming round of salary negotiations.
You do not have to be a voting member to attend. All faculty represented by FAUW are welcome.
How to attend
This event will be a different experience from our General Meeting in April, as we are running it as a meeting this time, not a "live event". This means you will be able to participate via video and audio, not just chat, though we ask that you keep your mic and video off until you're called on to speak.
Click this link to join the meeting: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Or, call in using this number: (833) 827-4832 Canada (Toll-free) and then enter the conference ID: 798 574 147#
If you can’t attend…
There is a 250-person cap on Teams meetings. If you are unable to join for this or any reason, here are other ways you can reach us:
- To raise an issue you think FAUW should look into, contact a Board member.
- For help with an individual issue, contact the Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee.
- To submit a suggestion for negotiations, contact Bryan Tolson.
- To really keep in touch with FAUW throughout the year, let your chair know you’re interested in being your department or school’s representative to the FAUW Council.