Graduation statistics - Health Studies 2001

In 2001, 30 students graduated from Health Studies and Gerontology. In a recent survey, we found out what they were doing 8 months after graduation.

Pie chart showing: 39% Employed, 4% Looking, 57% Post-graduate education

Note: Information was missing from 2 (7%) of the Health Studies and Gerontology graduates


Many Health Studies and Gerontology graduates step directly from their degree into health-related jobs.

  • Analyst, Ministry of Health Ontario, North York
  • STD Adjudicator, Group Disability Claims Management, SunLife Financial
  • Health Canada - Population and Public Health Branch, Cancer Division
  • RN Instructor, Conestoga College
  • Research Assistant, McMaster University Health Science Centre, Hamilton
  • Research Assistant, University of Waterloo Health Behaviour Research Group
  • Public Health Promoter, Perth District Health Unit, Stratford
  • Placement Coordinator, Community Care Access Centre for Huron
  • Research Associate, Innovus Inc., Burlington

Post-graduate education

Every year many Health Studies and Gerontology graduates choose to continue their academic studies. In 2001, 57% of Health Studies and Gerontology graduates decided to further their education.

Graduate Studies (6)

Combined Health/Business Administration, Dalhousie University

Business Administration, McMaster University

Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University

Health Service Management, Griffith University, AU

Health Studies, University of Waterloo

University of Calgary

Occupational Therapy (1)

University of Western Ontario

Chiropractic College (1)

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Medical School (4)

Queen's University

McMaster University

University of Toronto (2)

Education (3)

University of Toronto

Queen's university

University of Strathclyde, Scotland

Upgrading Undergraduate Courses (1)

University of British Columbia