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Rubaya Absar

PhD Student
Rubaya Absar
Location: RAC 1119

Supervisor: Jonathan Baugh

Avantika Agarwal

PhD Student
avantika agarwa
Location: QNC 3322

Supervisor: Shalev Ben-David

Amit Anand

PhD Student
Amit Anand
519-888-4567 ext 31994
Location: QNC 4201

Supervisors: Robert Mann and Shohini Ghose

Amir Arqand

PhD Student
Amir Arqand
519-888-4567 ext 39055
Location: QNC

Supervisor:Norbert Lutkenhaus

Reza Asadi

PhD Student
Location: RA2

Supervisor: Guo-Xing Miao

Vahid Reza Asadi

PhD Student
Vahid Reza Asadi
Location: QNC 3117

Supervisor: Richard Cleve

Mahmoud Badawy

PhD Student
Location: RAC 2126

Supervisor: Crystal Senko

Megan Byres

PhD Student
Location: QNC 2211

Supervisor: Alan Jamison

Albie Chan

PhD Student
Location: QNC 3201

Supervisor: Christine Muschik

Jiahui Chen

PhD Student
Jiahui Chen
Location: RA2 2142

Supervisor David Cory

Maria Ciudad Alanon

PhD Student
Location: QNC

Supervisor: Elie Wolfe

Eric Culf

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 39041
Location: QNC 3112

Brady Cunard

PhD student
Location: RAC 1118

Supervisor: Michael Reimer

Gabriel Vinicius De Oliveira Silva

PhD Student
Location: RA2 (working remotely)

Supervisor Guo-Xing Miao 

Daniel Centeno Diaz

PhD Student
Location: QNC

Supervisor: Elie Wolfe

Matthew Duschenes

PhD Student
Matthew Duschenes
519-888-4567 ext 39153
Location: QNC 4112

Supervisor: Raymond Laflamme

Mohammad Hossein Ebtehaj

PhD Student
Location: QNC 3111

Supervisor: Shalev Ben-David

Collin Epstein

PhD Student
Collin Epstein
Location: RAC 2126

Supervisor: Crystal Senko

Forouzan Forouharmanesh

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 39051
Location: QNC 3203

Supervisor: Alan Jamison

Einar Gabbassov

PhD Student

Supervisor: Achim Kempf

Sayan Gangopadhyay

PhD Student
Sayan Gangopadhyay
Location: RAC 1116

Supervisor: Michael Reimer

Sukanya Ghosal

PhD Student
Location: QNC 4317

Supervisor: Graeme Smith

Noah Gorgichuk

PhD Candidate
519-888-4567 ext 31323
Location: QNC B203

Supervisor: Matteo Mariantoni

Lewis Hahn

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 31323
Location: QNC B203

Supervisor: Kazi Rajibul Islam

Stephen Harrigan

PhD Student
Stephen Harrigan
Location: RAC 1123

Supervisor Jonathan Baugh

Anya Houk

PhD Student
Location: QNC 3203

Supervisor: Michal Bajcsy

Omar Hussein

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 31996
Location: QNC 4101

Supervisor: Alan Jamison

Rabiul Islam

PhD Student
Rabiul Islam
Location: RA2 2114

Supervisor Guo-Xing Miao 

Noah Janzen

PhD Student
Noah Janzen
519-888-4567 ext. 39036
Location: QNC 2212

Supervisor: Adrian Lupasçu

Amolak Ratan Kalra

PhD Student
Location: QNC 4321

Supervisor: Michele Mosca

Lars Kamin

PhD Student
Lars Kamin
519-888-4567 ext 39066
Location: QNC

Supervisor: Norbert Lutkenhaus

Connor Kapahi

PhD Student
Connor Kapahi
Location: RA2 2002

Supervisor Dmitry Pushin 

Bohdan Khromets

PhD Student
Location: RAC 2121

Supervisor: Jonathan Baugh

Nikhil Kotibhaskar

PhD Student
Nikhil Kotibhaskar
519-888-4567 ext. 30172
Location: QNC B213

Supervisor Kazi Rajibul Islam 

Bharat Kuchhal

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 31109
Location: QNC 3117

Supervisor: Christopher Wilson

Co-Supervisor: Michal Bajcsy

Kohdai Kuroiwa

PhD Student
Kohdai Kuroiwa
519-888-4567 ext. 39057
Location: QNC 3321

Supervisor: Debbie Leung

Olivier Lalonde

PhD Student
Location: QNC 3322

Supervisor: Ashwin Nayak

Yinchen (Calvin) Liu

PhD Student
Yinchen Liu
519-888-4567 ext 39084
Location: QNC 3323

Supervisor: David Gosset

Alex Maierean (Kirillova)

PhD Student
Alex Kirillova
519-888-4567 ext 39055
Location: QNC

Shayan Majidy

PhD Student
Shayan Majidy
519-888-4567 ext. 39153
Location: QNC 4112

Supervisor Raymond Laflamme

Sonell Malik

PhD Student
Location: RAC 2127

Supervisor: Michael Reimer

Kieran Mastel

PhD Student
Kieran Mastel
519-888-4567 ext 31994
Location: QNC 4102

Supervisor: William Slofstra

Ejaaz Merali

PhD Student

Supervisor Roger Melko

Zach Merino

PhD Student
Location: RAC 1122

Supervisor Jonathan Baugh

Kimia Mohammadi

PhD Student
student in blazer, smiling with arms crossed
519-888-4567 ext. 39051
Location: QNC 3203

Supervisor: Thomas Jennewein

Tiasa Mondol

PhD Student
Location: QNC 3112

Supervisor: William Slofstra

Shlok Nahar

PhD Student
Shlok Nahar
519-888-4567 ext. 39066
Location: QNC 4127

Supervisor: Norbert Lütkenhaus

Luke Neal

PhD Student
Luke Neal
519-888-4567 ext 39036
Location: QNC 2212

Supervisor: Thomas Jennewein

Sung Eun (Paul) Oh

PhD Student
 Sung Eun (Paul) Oh
519-888-4567 ext. 39068
Location: QNC 4203

Supervisor Thomas Jennewein

Pablo Palacios

PhD Student
Pablo Palacios
519-888-4567 ext. 39016
Location: QNC 208

Supervisor Thomas Jennewein

Abdolreza Pasharavesh

PhD Student
519-888-4567 x39039
Location: QNC 216

Supervisor: Michal Bajcsy

Guangyu (Guang) Peng

PhD Student
Location: QNC 0209

Supervisor: Christopher Wilson

Yawen Peng

PhD Student
Location: RA2

Supervisor Guo-Xing Miao

Matteo Pennacchietti

PhD Student
Matteo Pennacchietti
Location: RAC 1118

Supervisor: Michael Reimer

María Rosa Preciado Rivas

PhD Student

Supervisor: Robert Mann

Pritam Priyadarsi

PhD Student
Pritam Priyadarsi
519-888-4567 ext. 39046
Location: RAC 2107

Supervisor Raffi Budakian 

Yuxuan Qi

PhD Student
Location: RAC 1122

Supervisor: Jonathan Baugh

He (Ricky) Ren

PhD Student
He (Ricky) Ren
Location: RA2 2116

Supervisor Guo-Xing Miao 

Yi Ren

PhD Student
Location: QNC 2214

Supervisor: Adrian Lupascu

Cristina Rodriguez

PhD Student
Cristina Rodriguez
Location: QNC 4322

Supervisor: Raymond Laflamme

Himanshu Sahu

PhD Student
Location: QNC 3322

Supervisor:   Sisi Zhou

                    Raymond Laflamme

Yu (Jerry) Shi

PhD Student
Yu (Jerry) Shi
Location: RA2 2116

Supervisor Guo-Xing Miao 

Pulkit Sinha

PhD Student
Location: QNC 4321

Supervisor: Ashwin Nayak

Sanchit Srivastava

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 31994
Location: QNC 4102

Supervisors: Shohini Ghose, Robert Mann

Esha Swaroop

PhD Student
Esha Swaroop
519-888-4567 ext. 31996
Location: QNC 4116

Supervisor Raymond Laflamme

Sahand Tabatabaei

PhD Student
Sahand Tabatabaei
519-888-4567 ext. 36070
Location: RAC 2107

Supervisor Raffi Budakian

Hawking (Xinghe) Tan

PhD Student
Hawking Tan
Location: RAC 2126

Supervisor: Kazi Rajibul Islam

Yi Hong Teoh

PhD Student
Yi Hong Teoh
519 888 4567 ext. 36471
Location: QNC

Devashish Tupkary

PhD Student
Location: QNC

Supervisor: Norbert Lutkenhaus

Kent Ueno

PhD Student
Kent Ueno
Location: RA2 2134

Supervisor David Cory

Sai Sreesh Venuturumilli

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext. 31087
Location: QNC 0209

Supervisor: Michal Bajcsy

Nikolay Videnov

PhD Student
Nikolay Videnov
519-888-4567 ext. 36471
Location: QNC B216

Supervisors: K. Rajibul Islam and Michal Bajcsy

Stéphane Vinet

PhD Student
Stéphane Vinet
Location: QNC 2214

Supervisor: Thomas Jennewein

Anthony Vogliano

PhD Student
519-888-4567 x30168
Location: QNC 0214

Supervisor: K. Rajibul Islam

Christopher Xu

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 39028
Location: QNC

Supervisor: Matteo Mariantoni

Songmin Xu

PhD Candidate
Location: RA2 2014

Supervisor: Dmitry Pushin

Cindy Yang

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 39084
Location: QNC

Supervisor: Christopher Wilson

HeeBong Yang

PhD Student
HeeBong Yang
519-888-4567 ext. 38991
Location: RAC 2102

Supervisor Na Young Kim

Jiayue Yang

PhD Student
Jiayue Yang
Location: QNC

Supervisor: Robert Mann

Chi Zhang

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 39028
Location: QNC 2203

Supervisor: Adrian Lupascu

Auda Zhu

PhD Student
Auda Zhu
519-888-4567 ext 30168
Location: QNC 0214

Supervisor: Matteo Mariantoni

Jingwen (Monica) Zhu

PhD Student
519-888-4567 ext 30172
Location: QNC B213

Supervisor: Kazi Rajibul Islam

Artem Zhutov

PhD Student
Location: RA2

Nicholas Zutt

PhD Student
Location: QNC B206

Supervisor: Crystal Senko