The pandemic has disrupted many of our daily social interactions and activity patterns; however, in some ways, it has also brought us closer to our local communities. Finding contentment in ordinary places is more relevant now than ever, whether that is taking a walk in a familiar neighbourhood or spending time at a park.
The School of Planning wants to know how you have connected with your community during COVID-19! Please submit a photo along with a short description of the place in your image. Consider commenting on the location’s meaning to you, its design elements, or anything else that you would like to share. Be as creative and unique as you wish! The School will combine all photo entries in a collage and share them on our Instagram page (submissions can also be anonymous).
All submissions will be entered in a draw and randomly selected to win one of three gift cards!
- Take a picture and provide us with a small description of a place that has brought you contentment or a sense of connection to your community during COVID-19.
- Submit your photo and description to the online webform by Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 11:59pm.