The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) is a consortium of more than 100 university departments and programs offering planning degrees as well as programs that offer degrees affiliated with planning. ACSP has faculty, retired faculty, and student members from around the world.
We would like to congratulate Associate Professors from the School of Planning, Dr. Janice Barry and Dr. Luna Khirfan who have both joined ACSP as Track Chairs. Dr. Barry is on Track 13: Scholarship on Planning History or Planning Theory. This track focuses on the role of history and theory in advancing our understanding of the evolution of planning, as well as the normative and critical perspectives that frame contemporary planning phenomena. Dr. Khirfan is on Track 15: Urban Design, which investigates how urban environments are shaped through planning and design. This track addresses the diverse, multi-disciplinary, and multi-scalar urban design practices that respond to contemporary urban challenges.
To learn more, follow the link here.