Pragma Council was pleased to recognize the contributions of Ashley Rudkevitch, graduate planning student, and Erin Smith, undergraduate planning student, for being outstanding student citizens and contributing to the well-being of their fellow students and to the School of Planning!
In addition to the many hours both students devoted to the never ending mound of assignments and group projects, they dedicated the remainder of their time to various student committees and events.

- Maintains student presence at Faculty of Environment and School of Planning meetings at the University of Waterloo
- Sits as Councilor for the Graduate Student Association at the University of Waterloo
- Coordinates events both on and off campus for School of Planning graduate students
Continuing, a few of Erin’s commitments consist of:
- First Year Representative for PSA (Planning Student Association) (2011-2012)
- Social Director for PSA (2012-2013)
- Vice President, PSA (2013-2014)
- Coordinator, World Town Planning Day (2013)

And the list go on! Congratulations to Ashley and Erin.
The Pragma Council has been an important body of professionals at the University of Waterloo. The council tackles complex and current issues aimed at improving the quality of life in Canada.