The School of Planning is pleased to announce that the Planner-in-Residence for the 2020-2021 academic year is Rob Horne. Rob will deliver PLAN 403 in the winter term to our 4th year undergraduate students;
Each year, the School of Planning hosts a Planner-in-Residence, an expert who teaches and conducts seminars. The program gives students and professors the opportunity to interact with professionals who are leaders in their field. The Planner-in-Residence program is funded by the University of Waterloo Planning Alumni of Toronto.
Rob is a seasoned planning leader with over 30 years of municipal experience. He was the Commissioner of Planning, Development and Legislative Services for over a decade with the Region of Waterloo until 2016, followed by a three year role as Chief Administrative Officer with the City of Stratford. He has also worked at the Federal and Provincial government levels, and comes from a family-owned small business.
Active and authentic collaboration, excellence in communications, and a balanced approach to economic, social and environmental issues are long standing hallmarks of Rob's planning practice.