PhD Candidate | Planning

Master of Research, Interdisciplinary Urban Design from University College London (2020)
Bachelor of Environment Studies, Urban Planning from the University of Waterloo (2018)
Dr. Jennifer DeanContact information
sjleger@uwaterloo.caPlanning Interest
- Mobility justice
- Sustainable transportation planning
- Planning and social justice
- Urban design
- Micromobility and emerging transportation trends
- Qualitative research methods
Research Topic
- Unpacking the ideologies and imaginaries of complete streets through exploring the experiences of neuro-diverse populations on the street.
Presentations/Publications/Professional Experience
Academic Publications
- Leger, S. J., Dean, J. L., Edge, S., & Casello, J. M. (2019). “If I had a regular bicycle, I wouldn’t be out riding anymore”: Perspectives on the potential of e-bikes to support active living and independent mobility among older adults in Waterloo, Canada. Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 123, 240-254.
Professional Reports
- Leger, S. (2018). Clarifying the differences in emerging transportation technology: How do we define e-bikes? OPPI Journal. Published.
- Filion, P; Leanage, N; Ovieado, N & Leger, S. (2018). Achieving Urban Growth Centre Activity Integration through Walking Final Report. Places to Grow Implementation Fund. Published
- Leger, S (2022). Walking as not a just good thing. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 62nd Annual Conference; Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Leger, S; Collins, P; Dean, J. (2021). "Nothing in my years of community organizing has affected me as deeply as this closure did”: Resident perceptions of the school closure process and impacts in Ontario, Canada. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 61st Annual Conference; Online.
- Leger, S. 2021. Transportation Planning and Urban Design. Guest Lecture for PLAN 409- Urban Design Studio. University of Waterloo
- Leger S. 2018. The role of emerging transportation technology in fostering sustainable cities. Guest Lecture for EUS 850- Sustainability in Organizations. Toronto Metropolitan University
- Leger, S. 2017. E-bikes and older adult cycling: a research summary. Guest Lecture for PLAN 300- Planning Theory. University of Waterloo.
- Panel Moderator, NACTO Designing Cities 2019. Sharing Two Wheels: A Guide for Practitioners
- Panelist, Ontario Bike Summit 2019. Let’s Talk About E-bikes.
Professional Experience
- RPP Candidate Member
Of note
- Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS - Doctoral Award 2021-2024