Installing the WebEx client

Installing the Cisco Webex application

The desktop app for Webex can be installed from the University website. As of version 39.10, the Webex Meetings desktop app no longer includes integrations with Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office, or other applications. When you install the latest version of the Webex Meetings desktop app, any previous versions of those integrations will be uninstalled. Optionally, to install those integrations, download Cisco Webex Productivity Tools.

Step 1: The Cisco Webex installer

  1. Visit the uWaterloo WebEx download page.
  2. Click the blue Download button under "Cisco Webex Meetings desktop app".
  3. Webexapp.msi will be installed on your computer. Run this installer to complete the installation.

Step 2 (Optional): Integration with Outlook via Cisco Webex productivity tools

Integration with Outlook allows for Webex meetings to be scheduled within the Outlook app. If it is necessary to have Cisco Webex integrated into the Microsoft Office desktop app, the following steps apply:

  1. Log out of / close Outlook and the rest of Microsoft Office.
  2. Visit the uWaterloo WebEx download page.
  3. Click the blue Download button under "Cisco Webex Productivity Tools".
  4. webexplugin.msi will be installed on your computer. Run this installer.
  5. Open / log in to Outlook or the rest of Microsoft Office.
  6. The ability to schedule a Webex meeting will be visible in the calendar view in the top toolbar.

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