The Faculty of Science has many options for the use of printers. However, the departmental printers are available only to staff and research groups in the appropriate department. Printers can be connected to a computer via IP Address, the Printsrv network or directly to you computer.
What is "accounting"?
Accounting is a feature that allows one to password-protect one's print jobs. Instead of telling the printer to print a document and risk having a 3rd party take the document from the print tray before you can reach the printer, a printer with accounting set up will require you to input a password once you reach the printer. Upon entering the password into the printer, the document will print.
Installing a printer by IP address on the network
Doing so will allow one to print a document from a printer over the network, without your computer being physically connected to the printer. For instructions, see How to install a printer by IP address on the network. These instructions work for both Windows and Mac.
Adding a departmental network printer to Mac and print to it
Despite the installation of a printer being the same as Windows, Mac has different instructions for printing from the IP address connected printer. For more information, see How to add a departmental network printer to Mac and print to it.
Print from a printer using the Printsrv network
The printsrv network is only accessible from Nexus machines, so a personal computer from home will not be able to use this option. Printsrv allows one to print from a large variety of printers located on campus without having to know their IP Address. For more information, see How to print from a printer using the Printsrv network.