Women in Math Committee Event | Susama Agarwala, The problem with role models

Monday, May 10, 2021 2:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Please register here: https://www.ticketfi.com/event/4173/international-women-in-mathematics-day-webinar


Dr. Susama Agarwala| Women in Math Committee and Math Racial Equity Committee


The problem with role models


In this talk, I present findings on the extent of the biases faced by women in academia. 

Furthermore, I present a model that explains that a few women being able to break the glass ceiling is evidence of how deep the systematic biases are, not merely a sign of progress.

Bio: Susama Agarwala is a mathematician working in industry as a machine learning researcher. Prior to this, she was an Assistant Professor at the United States Naval Academy, where she worked in the intersection of combinatorics, number theory and high energy physics. She has been involved in equity work in an academic setting and an industry setting, and it happy to share her experiences of both.