meal plan (two words)
- Lowercase except when used in the full name of a degree (e.g., Master of Arts, a master’s degree)
- Note: This differs from The Canadian Press Stylebook
Mike & Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum-Nano Centre (QNC)
- The state-of-the-art building is home to two world-class institutes — Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) and the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) — and a hub of cutting-edge research in nanotechnology and quantum information science.
- Uses two "l's" for Canadian spelling (i.e., modelling in fashion or modelling of 3D images)
multidisciplinary (no hyphen)
- Prefix means one-billionth part or very small, minute. In most cases, a hyphen is not needed with this prefix.
- Examples: nanocomposites, nanodevices, nanofabricate, nanofluidic, nanolevel, nanomaterials, nanomedicine, nanometre, nanoprocesses, nanoporous, nanoscale, nanotechnology, bionanotechnology; but nano-amp, nano-electronics, nano-ohm use hyphens.
off campus (adverb, two words), off-campus (adjective, use hyphen)
on campus (adverb, two words), on-campus (adjective, use hyphen)
Examples: Off-Campus Housing Office. She lived off campus for two years, but preferred to eat on campus. On-campus eateries are convenient.
Ontario Universities’ Fair (apostrophe on plural of “Universities”)
organization (spell with a “z”, not with an “s”)