If you’re not sure how to spell a certain word, check the Canadian Oxford Dictionary or The Canadian Press Caps and Spelling.
Note: Compound adjectives are often hyphenated before the noun they modify (e.g., health-care providers, well-intentioned actions, second-year student). Compounds ending in “-ly” are not hyphenated either before or after a noun (e.g., smartly dressed, beautifully presented, second-year student).
Refer to the campus map for the proper spelling of building names and building codes.
See full listing of research centres and institutes.
Quick links:
- Spelling and misused words: A
- Spelling and misused words: B-C
- Spelling and misused words: D-E
- Spelling and misused words: F-H
- Spelling and misused words: I-L
- Spelling and misused words: M-O
- Spelling and misused words: P-Q
- Spelling and misused words: R-T
- Spelling and misused words: U-W
- University of Waterloo