Friday, July 15, 2022

Friday, July 15, 2022

Brandon Sweet
University Communications

Remembering Peter Jordan

Campus Housing has announced that retiree Peter Jordan passed away earlier this week.

Peter Jordan.

Jordan joined the University in October 1985 as a Custodian and later moved to a supervisor position in 2000. From there, he held several leading roles in Residence Facilities and retired in September 2015 as Supervisor, Cleaning Services in Housing and Residences. 

"Peter was well known for his ability to connect with people; and could always find something in common with others," wrote Manager, Residence Hospitality Experience Gwen teBoekhorst in a message to Campus Housing earlier this week. "Whether it was talking about his love of food, fishing and gardening, or asking where staff were traveling, he had a sincere interest in what others were doing. He always made an effort to follow up when he had the opportunity to reunite. Peter valued traditions and helped influence a strong team culture in REV." 

"He was often seen playing jazz music on Fridays in the office, and took every opportunity to celebrate events by organizing staff potlucks, participating in United Way Functions or putting up his Christmas Tree every year," teBoekhorst writes. "Peter truly believed that investing in relationships made life more fulfilling, for himself and others. He also made the student experience memorable by highlighting all the benefits of living in REV and welcomed many parents into his office during move in. He valued taking the time to ensure they knew the building and staff who were going to take care of their children."  

"Many staff remember Peter as the Supervisor who always finished lunch by 10:30 a.m. Peter was extremely empathetic, patient and was such a genuinely great person. He made sure that life at work was fun and filled with laughter and we will forever be grateful for the experience we’ve had to work alongside him."  

Other colleagues wrote:

“Peter was well known across campus and within the department and quickly made connections with staff and students.  He was always up for a chat about just about anything, wanting to share a good laugh and make connections with everyone.  He would remember these conversations and bring them up with you, asking for updates and being genuinely interested in your hobbies, family and adventures. Peter’s roles changed as the department evolved allowing others across campus to have the pleasure of knowing him. He will be fondly remembered by many”.

A memorial visitation will take place today at the Graham Giddy Funeral Home at 617 King Street North in Waterloo from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. A memorial service will follow at 11:30 a.m. in the funeral home chapel. A reception to celebrate Peter's life will take place immediately following. Masks are mandatory for attending events at the funeral home.

Strengthening Waterloo's global collaborations

President Vivek Goel shakes the hand of a European university official while others look on.

Ian Rowlands, associate vice-president, international, University of Waterloo, Vivek Goel, president and vice-chancellor, University of Waterloo, Vinod Subramaniam, president executive board (CvB/EB), University of Twente and Tom Veldkamp, rector magnificus/executive board member, University of Twente.

By Vivek Goel, President and Vice-Chancellor. This article was originally posted on Waterloo News.

The challenges facing humanity are increasingly global in scale and require a more interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to uncovering solutions. It is why we work hard to build and foster international collaborations with institutions around the world. Recently, I travelled to Europe with Professor Ian Rowlands, Associate Vice-President, International, to deepen and expand connections with key partners.

After more than two years communicating with our partners abroad through various online platforms, it was inspiring to exchange ideas and perspective in person. Our travels took us to Germany and the Netherlands for meetings with leaders and researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Tech, the University of Twente,  and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). We discussed education, research, entrepreneurship, impact, and engagement and how to continue our engagements between researchers and students at our institutions. Our complementary strengths will serve as a strong foundation for impactful results in many areas including AI, robotics, automation, energy, health technology, pedagogy and commercializing deep tech.

President Vivek Goel in a lab demonstration.

The conversations and interactions that we had during our visits were richer and much more productive than what could have been accomplished online alone. Being able to engage with researchers in their facilities provided us with a deeper understanding of where we could all benefit moving forward. This isn’t to say that advancements in online collaborative technologies aren’t worthwhile. In fact, they must continue to play an essential role in how academia interacts. Strategically sequencing virtual and in-person engagement going forward will be critical to building impactful partnerships while reducing our carbon footprint.

These conversations were also a reminder that although our contexts vary, there are many similarities and opportunities for collaboration. Together, we are also focused on wanting our students to thrive, supporting researchers and working with our communities both locally and globally. Despite a pandemic and conflicts that continue to impact our world, post-secondary institutions continue to play an integral role in bolstering bilateral relationships.

I was proud to represent the University of Waterloo community internationally. Our institution’s reputation continues to grow, and we see increasing numbers of institutions and industries around the world wanting to partner with us. This international interest is a reflection of the work that our faculty, students and staff undertake every day.

The University of Waterloo was founded by local community leaders to meet the many challenges of the day and to propel the region, and our nation, forward. Since then, the scope has grown further to reflect a truly global context, and I am proud to see existing and new global collaborations that are pushing innovation forward.

In order to build upon our reputation and develop new international collaborations, we need to continue to connect with partners around the world and to engage in person at key points. We need to be innovative in the way we approach the challenges that continue to impact humanity, and we need to take the time to listen, learn and share ideas.

GreenHouse announces spring term winners of the Social Impact Fund

GreenHouse winners outside of St. Paul's University College.

A message from GreenHouse.

The Social Impact Showcase celebrates the amazing work that GreenHouse students have accomplished throughout their social innovation journeys. This term, each of the six student teams that pitched were awarded funding to support their ventures from the Social Impact Fund, established by St. Paul’s University College.

Students focused their ventures on air monitoring technology, medical miscommunications, climate-related emergency readiness, wellness, modernizing the landfill site assessment process, and disposing of 3D printing waste.

Click here to read more about this term’s winners and the funding they have received from the Social Impact Fund.

Spanish department to offer courses in English

Protestors in Latin America.

A message from the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies.

The Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies is now offering special topic courses in English. The courses are accessible to every UWaterloo student, whether they master Spanish or not.

This Fall, our Special Topics in Hispanic Studies is bound to make you do a double-take the next time you hear Latin music on the radio. SPAN 344 – A Soundtrack of Contemporary Social Movements in Mexico and Beyond takes a deep dive into the revolutionary potential of music. Historically, music has been an ever-present part of social movements in Latin America. Often written to denounce injustices, la Nueva Canción kindled the spirits of the fight for democracy in the region. Today, this is a tradition continued by the rhythmic beats of Salsa, Reggaetón, and Rock and Roll. Take a listen to the course’s playlist here: For more information about SPAN 344, reach out to Jorge Castaneda Ochoa,

SPAN 290 Approaches to Translation is another opportunity you can’t miss. This bilingual and interdisciplinary course is an introduction to translation that puts practical experience front and centre. You will participate in community experiential work, and work on a short translation for a non-profit organization in the KW area. During the term, you will learn a skill that can be used practically in the real world and equip you with the tools to begin pursuing a career in translation, taught by a seasoned Translator who can answer your questions along the way. SPAN 201A (Intermediate Spanish) or equivalent is required. For more information about SPAN 290, reach out to David Rozotto,

Mario Boido, Undergraduate Advisor ( and Yessenia Guerrero, Admin Manager ( are also available to answer any questions about our program and our courses.

Virtual summer camp prepares to take FLIGHT

A message from Women in Computer Science (WiCS).

FLIGHT camp logo featuring an airplane.

This summer Women in Computer Science (WiCS) at the University of Waterloo in partnership with BrainSTEM Alliance are running the second iteration of the FLIGHT (Future Leaders Innovating to Go Higher in Technology) Summer Camp. The FLIGHT summer camp targets specifically girls ages 13 to 18 who self-identify as Black and other underrepresented minorities and is open to students in Ontario as well as the Caribbean.

The goal of FLIGHT is to give underpresented female minds of tomorrow an introduction to Tech Entrepreneurship by teaching them about ideation, prototyping tools, and pitching their idea, as well as networking and career planning. We have industry speakers and coaches from local organizations such as Vidyard, Connected, and Durrell Communications, larger organizations such as Nike, Amazon, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, as well as FEMSTEM Bahamas, Black Business Ventures Association (BBVA), and Bahamas Engineering and Technology Advancement Camp (BETA).

FLIGHT will be running from August 2 to 13, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily on Discord. Please note that August 13 is a shortened showcase day.

Read more about FLIGHT and register online

Beyond the Bulletin Episode 132

Beyond the Bulletin logo featuring two vintage microphones.

The latest episode of the Beyond the Bulletin podcast is now live. Mark Weber, Eyton director of the Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business, discusses the new entrepreneurship fellowship for PhD students. The University launches an institutional commercialization framework that contains information about the management and protection of intellectual property and more. And W Store introduces a series of virtual meeting peripherals, including one with a 360-degree camera.

Upcoming office closure

Student Financial Services (SFS) will be closed today from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Normal SFS operations will resume Monday, July 18 at 8:30 a.m.

Link of the day

25 years ago: Princess Mononoke

When and Where to get support

Students can visit the Student Success Office online for supports including academic development, international student resources, immigration consulting, leadership development, exchange and study abroad, and opportunities to get involved.

Instructors looking for targeted support for developing online components for blended learning courses, transitioning remote to fully online courses, revising current online courses, and more please visit Agile Development | Centre for Extended Learning | University of Waterloo (

Instructors can visit the Keep Learning website to get support on adapting their teaching and learning plans for an online environment.

Course templates are available within your course in LEARN to help you build and edit your content and assignment pages quickly.

The following workshops, webinars, and events are offered by the KL team (CTE, CEL, ITMS, LIB):

Supports are available for employees returning to campus. Visit IST’s Hybrid Work and Technology guidelines and workplace protocols to assist with the transition.

The Writing and Communication Centre has in-person and virtual services to support grad and undergrad students, postdocs and faculty with any writing or communication project. Services include one-to-one appointmentsdrop-ins at Dana Porter Libraryonline workshopswriting groupsEnglish conversation practice, and custom in-class workshops.  

Co-op students can get help finding a job and find supports to successfully work remotely, develop new skills, access wellness and career information, and contact a co-op or career advisor.

The Centre for Career Action (CCA) has services and programs to support undergrads, grad students, postdocs, alumni, and employees in figuring out what they value, what they’re good at, and how to access meaningful work, co-op, volunteer, or graduate/professional school opportunities. Questions about CCA's services? Live chat, call 519-888-4047, or stop by our front desk in the Tatham Centre 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Drop-in to Warrior Virtual Study Halls on Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Come together in this virtual space to set goals and work independently or in groups each week.

Renison's English Language Institute continues to offer virtual events and workshops to help students practice their English language skills.

If you feel overwhelmed or anxious and need to talk to somebody, please contact the University’s Campus Wellness services, either Health Services or  Counselling Services. You can also contact the University's Centre for Mental Health Research and TreatmentGood2Talk is a post-secondary student helpline available to all students.

The Library is open with expanded hours for access to book stacks, drop-in individual study space, bookable group study rooms, drop-in access to computers and printers, book pick-up services and IST Help Desk support. Librarian consultations, Special Collections & Archives and the Geospatial Centre are available by appointment. Full details on current services and hours are available on the Library’s COVID-19 Update webpage.

The Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo (FAUW) continues to advocate for its members. Check out the FAUW blog for more information.

The University of Waterloo Staff Association (UWSA) continues to advocate for its members. Check out the UWSA blog for more information.

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) supports all members of the University of Waterloo campus community who have experienced, or been impacted, by sexual violence. This includes all students, staff, faculty and visitors on the main campus, the satellite campuses, and at the affiliated and federated Waterloo Institutes and Colleges. For support, email: or visit the SVPRO website.

The Office of Indigenous Relations is a central hub that provides guidance, support, and resources to all Indigenous and non-Indigenous campus community members and oversees the University's Indigenization strategy.

The Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre, based at St. Paul’s University College, provides support and resources for Indigenous students, and educational outreach programs for the broader community, including lectures, and events.

WUSA supports for students:

Peer support - MATESGlow CentreRAISEWomen’s Centre - Click on one of the links to book an appointment either in person or online for the term.

Food Support Service food hampers are currently available from the Turnkey Desk 24/7 in the Student Life Centre. Drop-off locations are also open again in SLC, DC, DP, SCH, and all residences.

Co-op Connection all available online. 

Centre for Academic Policy Support - CAPS is here to assist Waterloo undergraduates throughout their experience in navigating academic policy in the instances of filing petitions, grievances and appeals. Please contact them at

WUSA Student Legal Protection Program - Seeking legal counsel can be intimidating, especially if it’s your first time facing a legal issue. The legal assistance helpline provides quick access to legal advice in any area of law, including criminal. Just call 1-833-202-4571

Empower Me is a confidential mental health and wellness service that connects students with qualified counsellors 24/7. They can be reached at 1-833-628-5589.

GSA-UW supports for graduate students: 

The Graduate Student Association (GSA-UW) supports students’ academic and social experience and promotes their well-being.

Advising and Support - The GSA advises graduate students experiencing challenges and can help with navigating university policies & filing a grievance, appeal, or petition.

Mental Health covered by the Health Plan - The GSA Health Plan now has an 80 per cent coverage rate (up to $800/year) for Mental Health Practitioners. Your plan includes coverage for psychologists, registered social workers, psychotherapists, and clinical counselors.

Dental Care - The GSA Dental Plan covers 60 to 70 per cent of your dental costs and by visiting dental professionals who are members of the Studentcare Networks, you can receive an additional 20 to 30 per cent coverage.

Student Legal Protection Program - Your GSA fees give you access to unlimited legal advice, accessible via a toll-free helpline: +1-833-202-4571. This advice covers topics including housing disputes, employment disputes, and disputes with an academic institution.

The Graduate House: Open Monday to Tuesday 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday to Friday 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. We’re open to all students, faculty, staff, and community members. The Graduate House is a community space run by the GSA-UW. We’re adding new items to the menu. Graduate students who paid their fees can get discounts and free coffee.

When and Where (but mostly when)

Warriors vs. Laurier Blood Donation Battle. Join our “Waterloo Warriors” team on the website or app. #ItsInYouToGive

Warriors Youth Summer Day Camps, July 4 to September 2. Open to boys and girls age 5-18. Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Multi-Sport and Games & Volleyball. Register today.

NEW - UWSA vote on Updated Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), Thursday, July 14 to August 2, details and vote link sent to members by email, contact UWSA for details.

IQC presents Quantum Bullsh*t featuring Chris Ferrie, Friday, July 15, 1:30 p.m., on YouTube and QNC 0101.

WaterTalk: Atmospheric moisture tracking, presented by Poornima Unnikrishnan, Tuesday, July 19, 10:00 a.m., EIT 1015.

Master of Taxation Virtual Information Session, Tuesday, July 19, 5:30 p.m.

NEW - Pivot-RP training webinar for Faculty and graduate students, Tuesday, July 26, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. via MS Teams.