Ryan George

Continuing Lecturer
George in front of Hagey Hall

E-mail: r22georg@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: x 41542
Office: HH 218

CV: Ryan George
Personal website

BSc Economics;
BA History (Victoria);
MA Economics (Toronto);

MA History (York);
PhD History (McMaster)

Areas of Specialization

I am a committed student of historical change in economies and the history of economic ideas. My specific research interests concern the history of colonialism, land appropriation and urban development in Ontario (19th – mid 20th Century).


I have been teaching undergraduates at UW’s Department of Economics since the Fall 2011. My appreciation for the crystalline world of mathematics means I enjoy teaching math and statistics for economists, as well as micro-economic theory. I also value the rough ground of historical inquiry. It is a priority in my teaching to share these complementary sensibilities in economics.

Selected Publications 

The Bruce Report and Social Welfare Leadership in the Politics of Toronto’s “Slums”, 1934–1939’, (2011). Histoire Sociale/Social History;44(87):83-114. Ryan George.